
Today’s post is all about food. Every time I go to a restaurant or coffee shop or even a fast food I usually take shots of the food I ordered either with my Canon or my phone -HTC one-  but most of the time is with my phone.. kinda handy and besides smartphones nowadays have a […]

City of the dead….

Cemeteries in New Orleans are one of a kind. it became one of the tourist sites because of their uniqueness. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a cemetery is a tourist object before until now, and that’s pretty cool! There are a few of them. The one I went to is called the Cypress Grove Cemetery, […]

shots behind the window….

I find it interesting when taking shots thru windows… just love to leave the reflections there, it’s like a double exposure but it’s not. For my personal taste in photography, I like things that is not a sharp shot .. I can’t explain why but I guess it looks more dreamy… well something like that…. cute little dolls I found on […]

NOLA trip… Street performers

What I’ve read about New Orleans before and what a few friends have told me is that new Orleans is where jazz first originated. But not only jazz, but there are also other types of music such as blues, R&B, and soul swirling throughout the city as these musicians play their trumpets, saxophones, and guitars. […]

NOLA trip

I just got back from a six days vacation to New Orleans and i’m missing it already. I would definitely love to go back there if I have the chance and the cash 🙂 What I miss the most are the beautiful houses and the crazy night life of Bourbon Street, not to mention the […]